토익 문법정리 - 수일치와 수동태
주어와 동사의 수일치 1) 동사는 주어와 수일치 e.g. The results of the study ( was / were ) realeased today. Mr. Ryu, along with his coworkers, ( want / wants ) to invest in mutual funds. 2) 긴주어(동명사, to 부정사, 명사절)는 단수 취급 e.g. Watching romantic comedies ( make / makes ) me want to meet a girl friend. That Linda has many guys ( is / are ) not true. 3) 부분이나 전체를 나타내는 표현들은 of 뒤의 명사에 수일치 all 모두, most 대부분, some 일부, half 절반..
2021. 3. 23. 02:43