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개발일지 2022.10.21
Setting an object value inside an atom returns "Cannot assign to read only property 'xxxxx' of object '#<Object>'" · Issue #794
I am trying to edit a key of 'activeCourse' inside an object of an atom value. However, whenever i do so it returns the error: Cannot assign to read only property 'activeCourse' of ...
해당 이슈에 대한 내용이다.
Build a Game with React Three Fiber and Recoil
Build a Game with React Three Fiber and Recoil
Stephen Castle2 years ago This tutorial is intended for an audience that has some familiarity with React Three Fiber, and it might breeze past some concepts that could be confusing if you have never used it. If you would like a quick intro tutorial before
위 사이트는 react three fiber와 recoil을 같이 사용하는 포스트이다.
selector(options) | Recoil
Selectors represent a function, or derived state in Recoil. You can think of them as similar to an "idempotent" or "pure function" without side-effects that always returns the same value for a given set of dependency values. If only a get function is provi
selector라는 것으로 readonly를 해결할 수 있다고 하는데, 참고해보자.
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